助教の西山が、ACM UbiComp2020の併設ワークショップHASCA2020にて研究発表を行ました。
Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) is a method for collecting multiple sensor data from distributed mobile devices for understanding social and behavioral phenomena. The method requires collecting the sensor data 24/7, ideally inconspicuously to minimize bias. Although several MCS tools for collecting the sensor data from an off-the-shelf smartphone are proposed and evaluated under controlled conditions as a benchmark, the performance in a practical sensing study condition is scarce, especially on iOS. In this paper, we assess the data collection quality of AWARE iOS, installed on off-the-shelf iOS smartphones with 9 participants for a week. Our analysis shows that more than 97% of sensor data, provided by hardware sensors (i.e., accelerometer, location, and pedometer sensor), is successfully collected in real-world conditions, unless a user explicitly quits our data collection application.
- https://doi.org/10.1145/3410530.3414369
- https://github.com/tetujin/AWAREFramework-iOS
- doi:10.1145/3410530.3414369